Sunday, October 19, 2008

8 Responses about Books

And they are usually reading books :
Most people read a book more a year.
Less than people read a book more a month!
That's so fun:)
They like these kind of books :
Comics & Graphic Novels, Cooking, Food & Wine, Entertainment, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Travelare are most popular kinds of books.
Next popular kinds of books are Computers & Internet, Puzzles & Games, Romance.

Their recommend is :
Recommend is all different: HARRY POTTER 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, Mashimellon story, Tuck everlasting, The giver, writer 'Otsuichi', 'Sakura Momoko's books, and someone doesn't know the book's English name.

They'll be get the 30$ gift card, then :
Most people are want to buy some the other things.
Some the other people choose buy some books.

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